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2023-02-27 19:40来源:未知编辑:admin





六,收到货 未回复 第二封 Dear Berton , Good morning, Here is Gavin from the Amazon seller, G.River. Sincerely sorry to bother you again , really sorry. Do you remember that you bought a fitness watch from us before? But you're not satisfied and you've even left a bad opinion about the product, "Una delusione. Le recensioni nn erano veritiere. Contapassi e calorie sballate completamente. Pressione sanguigna diversa dalla reale e nemmeno paragonabile . Nn rileva le variazioni. Se desideravo un orologio al quar zo con ora e data gi à lo avevo... il costo certo e ’ basso ma raccontare bugie sulle capacit à nn e ’ corretto. Delusione totale. ” Really really sorry for this problem. We had sent a replacement to you, may I know have you got it ? If not, please tell me, we will check with Amazon immediately. If yes, are you satisfied with our service and product now ? Could you please foregive us now ?^^ As you know, the product opinion did influence us a lot, we had did the best to serve for you, hope you can understand us. If possible, could you help us t o update or delete it? It will only take 1 minute, thank you very much. Here is the link to update it directly, https://www.amazon.it/gp/profile/amzn1.account.AHOXZYQPM6YMGGD6ULR HEINQCLXQ/ref=c m_cr_othr_d_pdp?ie=UTF8 Here is the link on how to update it, https://www.amazon.it/gp/help/customer/display.html/ref=help_search_ 1-4?ie=UTF8&nodeId= 201929950&qid=1483353027&sr=1-4 Here I attached the photos how to do it , please kindly check the attachment. We really hope we can have a good partnership with you, could you gi ve us another chance? Sincerely sorry again for all the inconvenience caused to you. We are looking forward to hearing from you! Good day!*_* Best regards, G.River 七,订单已退款 跟进 重发 Dear Martina, Here is Lily from the Amazon seller, G.River. Sincerely sorry to bother you, really sorry. Do you remember that you bought a fitness watch from us before? But you're not satisfied and you've even left a bad opinion about the product, "As I said in the outdoor title could not read anything on the dial ... but just nothing The heart rate monitor is blocked because it is too susceptible to sweat. Without t he app t he f e a t u r es a r e re duced ... and ev en t he app is poor .... on iOS does not control the camera and is compatible with other fitness apps. Practically unusable.Peccato " Really really sorry for all this problem. In order to be able to forgive you, we have refunded all your money as soon as we have received your return request. But we know that you do not have yet to be satisfied. In fact, we sincerely h ope that all the customer can be satisfied and have a good shopping experience in our store. So, in o r d e r t o make y ou s a t i s fi e d, w e w ould like t o re s e nd ano t h e r mod e l t o you, i t 's totally free, please do not worry. It is the most popular fitness t racker on Amazon and is brighter, check the attachment. It is also more functional, 14 sport modes, weather forecast, stopwatch. Here is the link of the product, https://www.amazon.it/dp/B073XZD3PF If you are interested, we will ship it with a fast shipment, you can receive it within 3 days. Here is your address, can you please confirm it, Maurizio Filardo Piazza Zama 35/36 Nice Bar Rome, RM 00183 We really hope we can have a good partnership with you, could you gi ve us another chance? Sincerely sorry again for all the inconvenience caused to you. We are looking forward to hearing from you! Good day!*_* Best regards, G.River - 八,已退款 重发 Dear Vincenzo, Here is Gavin fr om Amazon Seller, G.River . Sincerely sorry to bother you. Really sorry that our fitness tracker cannot make your satisfaction, “ misurazioni di pressione e battito cardiaco non affidabili, poche funzioni, l'app correlata parla un italiano poco comprensibile. L'ho rispedito indietro. ” So we have made full refund to you already, may I know have you received it ? If not, please let us know, we will check with Amazon immediately. But I know you must be still not sat isfied with our service, so In order to get your forgiveness, we would like to send an other replacement to you as a gift. It is t he mo s t popular fi t n es s tr ack e r on Ama z on and and mo r e accu r a t e on h e a r tb e at, It also supports more function like 14 sport modes, weather forecast, stopwatch. Here is the link of the product, https://www.amazon.it/dp/B073XZD3PF If interested, we will make a fast shipment, it would be arrived within 3 days only. Here is your address, can you please confirm it? XXX In fact, we sincerely h ope that all the customer can be satisfied and have a good shopping experience in our store. Could you give us another chance? Sincerely sorry again for all the inconvenience caused to you. We are looking forward to hearing from you! Good day!*_* Best regards, Gavin - 九,退款 Dear Domenico, Here is Gavin from Amazon Seller, . Sincerely sorry to bother you. Do you remember that you bought a fitness orologio from us, but you are no satisfied with it and left a product opinion. " Pessimo!!! Troppo sensi bile il contspassi! Gi à appena sveglio mi segna 500 passi! Faccio colazione: 1000 passi vado in macchina per andare al lavoro 1600 passi! Evitare!!! ” In fact, this is our popular product on Amazon, our orologio can work perfectly normally. In order to owe your forgiveness, we would like to refund full money back to you, and you don't need to return it back to us, is it ok for you? We are a professional seller, we ar e here to make your satisfaction, could you please offer another chance for us? About your product opinion. " Prodotto arrivato nei tempi, purtroppo si connette allo smartphone quando vuole lui (provato su tre smartphone Android differenti) il touch non è molto reattivo e lo schermo sotto il sole non si vede bene, ho provato ad usare una sim ma non funzionano le varie app preinstallate, peccato per il resto l'ora si legge. ” Could you please update it? https://www.amazon.it/gp/profile/amzn1.account.AHAXO4UIJ5UVM4P4XOK S52OGMPPA/ref=c m_cr_othr_d_pdp?ie=UTF8 Here is the link about how to update it, https://www.amazon.it/gp/help/customer/display.html/ref=help_search_1-4?ie=UTF8&nodeId= 201929950&qid=1483353027&sr=1-4 If y ou can confi r m,i p r omi s e y ou w ill re cei v e t he re fund w i t hin 24 hours. Sinc e r e ly s o r ry a g ain for all t he incon v enience ca use to y ou, really sorr y . Looking forward to hearing from you. Have a good day!^_^ Yours Sincerely,


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